Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Whew! Tuesday morn.
This past weekend went well. Celebrated my lil mans Birthday (9yrs old) at this place called the FunPlex. Not only can the kiddies have fun, Adults can have fun to the UTMOST! Wish i had my camera.. :( its on its way back from Florida with my aunt. The 3 major rides/events we did were Go Karts, Lazer Tag and Foam Frenzy. All were fun. My son like Lazer tag the most. I took a whirl at the batting cages. Felt the pain sunday morning taking all them swings.
Also on saturday i went to see my my brother who was in iraq around the same time i was. He's not really my brother, but we grew up together as military brats. We later joined the army and contiued where our dads left off. He's a combat medic and 2 weeks after i came home from Iraq he suffer'd a rocket attack on his APC (Amored Personnel Carrier) while trying to rescue some injured soldiers. He was the sole survivor of the 7 troops on board. He sustained some serious injuries, but pulled thru it and is doing well. He came back to NJ to visit. His sster threw a BBQ for him; all our friends from back in the day stopped by to see how he was doing and to say hello. Was great to see him rockin and his old self. Altho he lost a limb it isnt keeping him down. Keep rockin LeRoy, love you man and wish you the best.

Warning: If you TiVo shows carefull i go over ones i watched that came on last nite, dont want to spoil any eps for you.

* Florida State -bye-
* Giants Lost to San Diego :( damn LaDanian.. hehe
* Yankees won and are tied with Boston(Botox) Redsox. down with the reds. { Dont Hate }

Fantasy Football
Team: WildTurkey Infatranz

* GameDay Ritual league - got a win, 2-1 now. La Danian and Mc Nabb rocked.
* EASPORTS League - sufferd my first loss. 2-1
* ESPN League - got my first win. 1-2 La Danian(finally), Rothlesburger and Vinateri did some work and came thru.
* Yahoo League - havent checked yet. XNC familia - wOrd!

Shows This week

* Surface - 8pm mondays - started slow and almost lost my attention as they are draggin thier feet with this monster. During the show there is a baby one running around i got to get a decent look at. Was a mystery like the Lochness Monster, till the end. WHOLY CRAP! that mofo is huge and no joke. It ate a whole boat. It could've swallowed a battleship. Previews for next week look good and cant wait for the next episode.

* MNF - 9pm mondays - KC @ Denver. Denver took to them.

* CSI Miami - 10pm mondays - only CSI i really like, but didnt watch due to MNF and my Demo disc that came in my November OXM (Official Xbox Mag) ; sorry mami i know we watch this one together i didnt come thru yesterday.. te amo!

* Bones - Tuesday 8:00 PM - missed the premier. Heard the commercial for it on my way into work and it comes on tonite.

* ALIAS - 8pm Thursdays - new time from last year. This will be the first episode of season. The trailers show SydneyBristow now has a baby.. Quit Playing! i missed last years season 4 due to my deployment to Iraq and the DVD hasnt come out. Its not fair, i need to see season 4 before 5. I'm going to be lost. Anyone TiVo it last year willing to send it to me i'd appreciate it. While in Iraq i was able to get a few of my platoon hooked on this show. Are you all going to watch this season? CJ, WT, DA-z??

* College Football - Thursday 7:30pm - no clue who's playing. Probs someone form the WHACK-10.

* Threshold - Friday 9pm - Show is getting better. Again, it reminds me of Species where they get all these scientist together to track/solve this alian problem. No review of last episode as there was too much beer over the weekend and its tuesday morn and i'm halfway thru my coffee. more later if i can rememeber. plus it kills my gaming nite on Live, but since its the weekend i can game all nite. See ya on Live!

* Inconceivable - Friday 10pm - right after Threshold. Cant get pregnant, see a specialist. Think Nip/Tuck with sperm instead of scalpels, or Six Feet Under with cribs instead of coffins. Thats what its about. Its pretty good as this clinic has a new alternative method. The chic from ER is in this show, Rachel Lu who played Ming Na. The first episode was good as there was serogate(sp?) mother that didnt disclose she had sex after the artificial insemination(sp?) to many big words this early in the am, hehehe... so when it came to delivery she had a bouncing baby boy. The couple was white whom she was carrying for, and the baby born was black! WOW! and there is a priest and his wife trying to have a child, but there isnt anything they can do atm. Welp the one doctor is messing with a receptionist. More like a eff buddy and she knows the situation with the couple. She wants to get her groove on with the docotor, but he doesnt want to rock her boots anymore. She wants one for the road and he agrees to a helmet polish. She pulls a cup out of her purse when he aint paying attention to get a sample of Monica Lewinski style for later use. eeew! At close of the show she swaps the sperm for the Priest's stuff that aint good. Someone sees her do it from another room. She doesnt know she was has been seen. In next weeks epsisode they let her knw that she was seen. I think it was the doctor. Ah, in this episode there was a moarine who's wife was sent to Iraq qnad died. Before she left she had some of her eggs frozen so he can have them fertilized and have a child even tho she wasnt around any longer. His wife's sister was to be the serrogate mother for him. It didnt happen, and eggs were destroyed. i lost forcus on that part as i was doing something and wasnt tracking that issue. Thats about it. Next week the father of the mishap delivery comes back for revenge. ahh i almost forgot, the mother didnt want the child as she had one already and times were rough, but the natural father came to get him. Yeah boy! DADs stepping up!

* College Football - Saturday - ALL DAY - GO NOLES

* NFL - Sunday - ALL DAY - GO GIANTS, plus week 4 of Fantasy Football.

Xbox Releases i'm getting this week.
* Far Cry Insitncs
* Sniper Elite

Currently Reading
* Angles and Demons by Dan Brown.
* Dont Click the Blue E, Switching to FireFox by Scott Granneman.
* Don’t Make Me Think, by Steve Krug.

Thats a wrap! thanks for reading and hangin in there.

1 comment:

Melvin "eM" Arroyo said...

lmao.. dont worry Ticki will do te same to the Iggles. :pwe