Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Die Hard Steeler Fans
This is my Brother, my cousin louis -with the Santa Hat, and Friend Eric -on the phone. This was at the Giants - Washington Game on christmas eve. Right now them two fools are headed to Detroit for the Super-Bowl. Who woudda thought. The friggin Steelers... Nice time to cash in on my Big-Ben rookie cards.. :D I spent 18 months with some of these Steelers fans in the dessert and they can be a lil rough. esp in the quiet zone, but i'm NOT complaining.

It was funny to hear the reaction of people at the game. Hey your at the wrong game! hehe...

Was busy today.... for real.. real busy.. sorry for the DETARTED blog. Hopefully it gets better tomorrow.

Be Good, Be Safe.... ~eM


Anonymous said...

rough huh, you are out of ain't seen nuttin' yet!! we'll have to hit a game together sometime!!!!!

don't be hatin' cuz your team needed a compass to find the endzone!!

and have one of these too...o0oo

Melvin "eM" Arroyo said...

AWESOME... hi WT. hehe, ouch.. doubled over here... Ref can you tell her to keep punches above the belt? hehe... I'm rooting for them Sunday... :p

is it the 16th yet?

Anonymous said...

ahhh, only 14 dayz to least we're in the right month!!
i'll keep the punches above the belt, but i'll just have to resort to kicking!!

ahhhh, "my world"


Chris Bloom said...

Just popping in to say 'hey' :)

Frontallobe said...

I updated my blog address to be FTP. Rock on!!

Hope to see you LIVE soon sucka!