Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Die Hard Steeler Fans
This is my Brother, my cousin louis -with the Santa Hat, and Friend Eric -on the phone. This was at the Giants - Washington Game on christmas eve. Right now them two fools are headed to Detroit for the Super-Bowl. Who woudda thought. The friggin Steelers... Nice time to cash in on my Big-Ben rookie cards.. :D I spent 18 months with some of these Steelers fans in the dessert and they can be a lil rough. esp in the quiet zone, but i'm NOT complaining.

It was funny to hear the reaction of people at the game. Hey your at the wrong game! hehe...

Was busy today.... for real.. real busy.. sorry for the DETARTED blog. Hopefully it gets better tomorrow.

Be Good, Be Safe.... ~eM

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Back in Action!
Ugly huh! hehe.. this is after Santana Moss scored his 3rd TD against the Giants Xmas eve. I was like What the Fuck OVER! I figured i need to start venting here again. Welp not venting but sharing my carazy times and tribulations with people. Before i forget Wild Turkey ~ HI! - should be cruising along... I got something for you to add to your Greatest BUM on earth collection... hehehe... j/k!
Some guys (EDGSiP and Ralp427) i trade with hooked me up as they seen this on my wants list. So guess who's getting it.. :D Its the variant from the other one you have in the White Uniform. Very Hard To Find as well. EDGSIP actually gave it up from his collection. I owe him big now. When me and CJ come to visit next month i'll bring it. Its almost that time of the day.. and i got to accomplish something to earn my pay today so i'm going to email a few people and chat with this trader to get me an Alex Smith fig for my nephew. What you thought i was going to work... haven't done so all day let alone week.. why start now... ahhhh!

Be good, Be safe...