Saturday, August 19, 2006

Gettin It Done........

Whew with the Football season almost upon us, i'm making it happen getting details and chores done. Cheo.. Lil Guns room was painted and primed today. Had my cousin over for fianl set up of airbrushing that's going to be done in his room. GO YANKEES... :D :D He'll also have his McFarlane figures shelved on his wall. 3 favorite players.. M Vick, P. Manning and B. Favre, in 6" and 12" form. All is looking good and on schedule.

Other project is my bathroom. Walls were torn down and floor ripped up. Tomorrow i go get new sheet rock to re-rock it and finish it so i can possibly paint by monday or tuesday. Then i look to re-tile floor by the end of the week. that'll be insane as i'll be done a week in advance. I promissed to have these done before the season starts. :D :D

That's it for now... oh wait.. wish me luck.. McFarlane is having a lottery on the new Deion Sanders Figures and i hope to be selected. Last day is tomorrow.. :D :D

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Da GuNNers Pallace....

That's my realm, altho no longer a GuNNer, "My World" is like the life expectancy of a gunner... if you can last the first 60 seconds of an assault or ambush, you then are to control the fight with all 200 Rounds of your Diplomacy...

Guess What?


WOOO-Hooooo, my Giants are looking good.... Fresh Legs Johnson isnt looking so hot... I'd go with my boy Tiki all day in my fantasy leagues.... Next week i'll be attending the Giants vs Jets game friday nite... then.. rockin out to S. Florida for the Florida State vs Miami game.. and then the following week.. Giants vs Colts and Redskins vs Vikings... whew.. going to be very busy in the next few weeks... spot me on the side line and tell me what i'm wearing ya can score some kool aSS SWAG!!!!!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Had to fire up smokes as a ritual leaving every gate while assphault pounding in Iraq.

Wild Turkey... We Rolling....