Chapter 34: SeparationNovember 7, 2005 I became officially separated/Honorably discharged from the military. Its Official as of yesterday. Turned in all my gear and signed off on my hand receipts leaving with out owe-ing nothing to my unit.. whew!
To my online/Xbox live communities: XNC, XBLF, thank you for holding me down and supporting me while I was deployed. You all rock and are cherished dearly in my heart. God bless and see ya on the Live side... Buck B4 I duck.. The!
I had the pleasure of chilling with some of my troops and my LT (
Wild Turkey) this past weekend. It was sad to see them and have to say goodbye to them again as I did when I left Iraq. (that sucks!) As much as Iraq sucked being away and the dangers we faced daily I miss the times I had with my troops and friends. I left there having a wonderfully connection with a few people that I wish started years ago. Esp for my military career, would've made me stay in longer probably and not get bored with my job prior to my deployment. They helped my grow a a soldier and as a person. One of my troops advanced to the next pay grade and I would love fall under his command and rock on!
DA-z!!! Thank you for giving me that one opportunity in Ft. Drum to stand to your left. :)
To the Wild Turkey Crew; I'll never ever forget you guys (and gal- Wild Turkey herself). You need one strong female type to keep all that testosterone in check... :) Wild Turkey thank you for letting me be the best I can be. I know we had a rocky start and we together overcame that as we never lost faith in each others abilities and continued to make it happen and get the job done. enuff and(s) in there huh!!! hehe.... You all be safe, strive to be the best and I wish you well in life and in your military endeavors. If ever in my area doing military duty you have a place to crash. If ever want to come visit please do so, my house is open to you. Wild Turkey, DAz, Uncle Mac, Rollin Thunder, Trash Man, CJ, and Short Round wishing you all well. I know some of you may have to pound AssPhault again next year. Please keep in contact and let me know what I can do for you. I look forward to SR's wedding in Feb as it will be another re-union, and then to Wild Turkey's big re-union in the spring. You all have my number/email Please call me and or write. Ahh I alost forgot, a Wild Turkey honorary member Squirrel. He's currently in Iraq, be safe bro and take care of yourself.
So that chapter in my life is over. Not clear what my intentions of returning in the future are, but as of now NOT! even thinking about it. I am in the process of transferring my military time into my state job. SAWeet, adding 12 years to my 11 years with the state. Working out the logistics of the buy back option and amount owed. That run in the military was great. I loved what I did as a soldier. I got bored in the reserve system, but as I spoke to Wild Turkey over the weekend I loved the active duty part of it. Doing it everyday making an impact on people lives and getting to roCk it with fellow soldiers daily was AWESOME!!! I'll miss that. It is what it is.. SAW, Cocoa, Whiskey 30, Melencio is now a Civilian.