Thursday, September 29, 2005

Alias Season 5

Starts tonite @ 8pm on ABC. OUTSTANDING! Looking forward to seeing Sydney Bristow. I missed Season 4, due to Assphault Pounding in Iraq. Hopefully CJ, WT, DA-z watch it and send me feedback on the show. I'll def send my thoughts of it to you in the AM. I'm getting season 4 and look to copy and send out to you all upon me getting mine. Wish we could've watched while at drum, but Munyeka alterd those plans. Bacm to mis Bristow, she's all ears and with that DeTard, but there's Something about women and being HOT and saviors of man-kind AWESOME! i'm about it and to name a few others... Jessica Alba(Dark Angel), Charliz Theron(AeonFlux) .. Linnea Hand(Wild Turkey Infatranz), Angelina Jolie(Lara Croft, Tomb Raider), Jennifer Gardner(Sydney Bristow, Alias), and Joanna Dark(Perfect Dark).. give me that warm and fuzzy...

Quick question if you follow Alias who is your favorite Character? Sydney's character keeps me focused, but Jack Bristow IMO is the best character in the show. He is no joke and at all cost does what ever it takes ot protect Sydney. Some of his tactics, he does with out question or regard to authority. He's just as mean as the villians in the show. He is the ShiZz! Read more about him here: Jack Bristow [Victor Garber]

Ahh, before i leave off, want to shout out my Yankees. Have a few Boston, Pittsburgh, Phillies, and Indians fans that cruise thru, Dont Hate and good luck in route to the Post Season and Life after. Luckily the Xbox360 comes out next month and you'll be distracted form the MLB series playoffs. f0-sh0!!!! 1 more nite @ Orioles, then to the Bronx for the BOTOX. Like scary mentioned some one will leave Black and Blue, will it be YOU!


Anonymous said...

Like i said before...gooooooooo Red Sox...after all, I have to have someone to cheer for since the buccos are struggling to finish over .400!!!

Melvin "eM" Arroyo said...

Traitor, your supposed to be on my side, your all i got WT... hehe..