Friday, September 30, 2005

Far Cry Instincts...

OUTSTANDING!!! picked this game up today. played offline for a bit then had to tend to soem things later in the eve and couldnt go Live. Hopefully tomorrow i can get on Live. Next week i'm going to try and make my first map. I want to get a handle on the types of maps or games i like to create a really kick ass map that people will enjoy and spread around.
Sorry i missed XBLF and XNC on live tonite playing this game.

Ouch! my Yanks took an L tonite.. tied we are, Wild Turkey you jinxed us.. :( and you def get one of these. 0O00, but me loves ya still traitor. Got your email, thanks for the advice.. you roCk!! To All, Its friday, enjoy your weekend.

Here are some clips for Far Cry.

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Got the game as well. Played about 1/2 an hour with some XBLF'ers but was a very laggy room, and it was way late.

Gonna try and hook with everyone tonight, if I can drag myself off of Heroes of the Pacific! Oh yes, flying WW2 planes at its best!